There are numerous occasions where someone may need to match the existing window film on their property. Maybe the previous homeowner only installed window film on a few of your windows or there was an incident requiring glass replacement in your business. Regardless of why you’re looking for matching window film, the best way to match the existing film is to work with a professional window film contractor. There are numerous challenges you’ll need to navigate, requiring professional guidance.

The Challenges of Matching Existing Window Film

Chances are that you won’t recall the specific window film product that’s been installed on your existing windows. With so many different manufacturers and product options, it can be overwhelming trying to find the right one. Window film can also change appearance after being exposed to UV radiation. Different batches of the same window film product can also have different appearances. Another challenge is that even if you find the same appearance, the two products may not perform the same. In the event that your glass has been replaced, your new glass may not match your old glass. Products from different manufacturers will always look different as well.

Work with San Francisco’s Window Film Matching Experts

San Francisco Window Film is honored to be the window film matching experts in the San Francisco area. We have extensive experience when it comes to matching your existing window film. We’ll provide multiple solutions in order to better serve your needs. Whether you decide to find the perfect match for the missing glass or would like a whole-property installation, we’ve got you covered. We have the largest selection of window film, offering better opportunities for finding the right match.

For more information regarding the entire existing window film matching process for your home or business, please contact us!